Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay --
Emerging Technology and Graphic origination Research PaperWaianae High SchoolTeam MembersCatherine CannonMarina LeotaadvisorMichael OConnorPrincipalDisa Hauge85-251 Farrington HighwayWaianae, HI 96792TABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive Summary 2Target Audiences and Technology 3Social Media and Graphic Design 4Reaching Target Audiences 6References 8EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThis research paper is about social media and mobile connectivity and its importance to brilliantdesigners in the aspect of existence able to arrival growing demographics. Technology has helpedexpand businesses benefitting them in the long run. As technology advances, it not only appealsto a young audience but an older audience as well. Social media is known as the most effectiveway to communicate with everyone. Within social networks, graphic designers are able topromote not only themselves but the business as a whole by creating eye catching images. Newertechnology being released such as tablets or more advanced cell phones c an also help graphicdesigners experiment with varying art styles and other ship canal of connecting with their targetaudience. Through both technology and social media, with its variety of online and mobile users,graphic designers are given a stepping stone to connecting with growing demographics and toexpand their consumers. To reach their audience, a graphic designer must not showcase just theirwork, but their ability to communicate and relate as well.2TARGET AUDIENCES AND engineeringDemographics connected to technology and social media are growing everyday, rangingin gender, race and age, thus making it all the more easier for businesses to connect, reach andearn clients. Growing businesses and free-lance(a) artists would surely benefit f... ...Popescu, Adam (2013, April 12). Just Who Uses Social Media? A Demographic Breakdown.Retrieved from http// construe retrieved 2014, Feb 10.Repographics, Carolina (2013). The Impo rtance of Graphic Design in Social Media. Retrievedfrom http// Dateretrieved 2014, Feb 10.Smith, Brianna (2013, May 10). Best Times to Post on Social Media (infographic). Retrievedfrom http// retrieved 2014, Feb 10.Widrich, Leo (2013, May 2). Social Media in 2013 User Demographics for Twitter, Facebook,Pinterest and Instagram. Retrieved from http// Date retrieved 2014,Feb 10.9
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